Lions NSW Eye Bank Informational Booklet
The Lions NSW-ACT Save Sight Foundation recently provided funding for the printing of informational / promotional booklets for the Lions NSW Eye Bank.
The Lions NSW Eye Bank is a not for profit organization that relies on the financial support of Lions Clubs, substantial annual financial support from the Lions NSW-ACT Save Sight Foundation as well as the Department of Health to provide this essential service.
Lions Eye Banks worldwide provide quality eye tissue for corneal transplants along with research and education.
Lions eye banks perform valuable sight-saving functions. A staff of professionals at the eye bank recover, evaluate and distribute human eye tissue for vision restoration, research and education. Eye surgeons rely on eye banks to supply them with eye tissue for sight-saving procedures for persons who have eye disease or injury.
Lions have been providing support for eye banks for nearly 65 years. Currently, there are 53 official Lions Eye Banks throughout the world. Lions Eye Banks are located in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Republic of Philippines, Turkey, United States and Puerto Rico.